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Tendinitis Specialist

Center For Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic Surgeons & Foot and Ankle Specialists located in Lubbock, TX

Every time you flick your wrist, reach up for something, or run down the road, your tendons are hard at work, allowing your body to move smoothly. Over time, however, these tendons can wear down and become inflamed, leading to tendinitis. At the Center for Orthopedic Surgery, the team of specialists is well versed in diagnosing and treating tendinitis, allowing their patients in Lubbock, Texas, to move freely again without pain. To learn more, call today or use the online booking tool to schedule an appointment.

Tendinitis Q & A

What is tendinitis?

Your tendons play a crucial role in your musculoskeletal structure by attaching your muscles to your bones. These thick cords are really at the heart of your mobility, and when they become irritated or injured, they can make life fairly difficult.

The most common symptoms of tendinitis include:

  • A dull, nagging pain
  • Sharp pain when you use the tendon
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness in the area
  • Stiffness

In addition to the pain, you may lose some performance in the tendon, which can affect your mobility or range of motion.

What causes tendinitis?

Only rarely is tendinitis caused by an acute injury. Rather, the condition typically develops over time as repetitive stresses and wear and tear on the tendon begin to cause tiny tears in the tissue.

Sports activity can also increase your chances of developing tendinitis. If, for example, you're a golfer and have an improper technique on your swing, your tendons can wear down over time and become irritated and swollen.

Which tendons are prone to tendinitis?

In point of fact, any tendon in your body can become irritated or swell up. That said, tendinitis usually develops in the tendons you use most frequently. The most common forms of tendinitis include:

  • Golfer’s or tennis elbow
  • Pitcher’s or swimmer’s shoulder
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Posterior tibial tendonitis (on the front of your ankle)
  • Wrist tendinitis

How is tendinitis treated?

The treatment for tendinitis depends on the severity of the condition and its location. There are several ways your doctor at Center for Orthopedic Surgery can tackle the problem, often starting out with conservative treatments and only using more aggressive measures if needed.

Typically, you should start by giving your tendon a break, allowing it time to heal. You should ice the area and take anti-inflammatory medications to keep the swelling down. If the pain persists, your doctor may turn to a corticosteroid injection to provide relief from the pain and reduce inflammation.

If the tendinitis is severe, your doctor may suggest surgery to repair the tendon. The doctors at the Center for Orthopedic Surgery have extensive experience in these repairs, so you’re in good hands.

To learn more about treating tendinitis, call the Center for Orthopedic Surgery today or use the online booking form to schedule an appointment.